The Southern California Interclub Association was founded on May 31, 1955, as a non-profit organization. Southern California Interclub members consist of US Figure Skating member clubs located in Southern California. Members are elected to membership as provided in the Constitution and By-Laws.
The primary objectives of the Southern California Interclub Association are:
To improve, encourage and advance figure skating in all its branches;
To provide a forum for the exchange of information among the several members for their mutual aid and benefit for the furtherance of the primary objective of this Association set forth in (1) above and to promote fellowship among the members;
To provide a central council for undertaking cooperative activities in the furtherance of the primary objective of the Association and of the objectives of the member clubs. Such cooperative activities may include, but are not limited to, the holding of tests, competitions, exhibitions, carnivals and other figure skating activities and the publishing and disseminating of information concerning figure skating by all appropriate means;
To raise money to support the activities of the Association by dues, the sale of publications, assessment or any other lawful means, provided, however, that none of the income of the Association shall inure to the private profit of any individual person.
It is understood that the Association is intended to assist the members and shall not detract from or interfere with the sovereignty of the various clubs whose members are also members of the Association.
The Association by-laws can be found here.
The government of the Southern California Interclub Association consists of (1) a Board of Directors composed of four Officers and a board member at-large and (2) a council consisting of the President of each member club and another delegate from each member club. The delegate from each member club is selected by the President of that club.
The Southern California Interclub Association council shall possess and exercise all of the powers and duties necessary for the government of all the affairs of the Association.
Chairman: Breanne Bonilla – American Riviera FSC
Vice Chairman: Ann Jensen - FSC of Southern California
Treasurer: Stephen Kawalko - All Year FSC
Secretary: Kimberly Fabrizio - Glacier Falls FSC
Board Member: Carylyn Landt - La Jolla FSC
Board Member: Nick Turntariyanond - Los Angeles FSC
Board Member: William Tran - Pasadena FSC